Do you know the Everesting challenge, when you climb the height of Everest on a chosen hill? You repeatedly ride up and down until you climb the height of Mt. Everest. Do you think it would be possible to "climb" the whole crown of the Himalayas in this way in six weeks?
120.000+ m / 3.000+ km / 42 dní ?
Našim cílem je na každém z vybraných 14 alpských stoupáních nastoupat výšku Mt. Everestu. Pojedem v rytmu den jízda, po té dva dny regenerace, přesun a chystání na další výjezd. Celá akce tak zabere 6 týdnů (14 x 1 den výjezd + 14 x 2 dny regenerace/přesun). 14 x 3 = 42 dní. Začínáme 19. dubna.
Climber who climbs all fourteen 8.000meter peaks earns the Crown of the Himalayas. We want to get an imaginary crown by climbing the same meters. Without the pandemic, this project would not have happened, that's why we called it the Corona of the Himalayas.
We got in touch with the Dobrý Anděl (Good Angel) Foundation and during our challenge we will raise funds for children who have had a harder time in life. We will also ride with the EPP app and send points for a good cause. How many points will we score?
To jste mohli sami ovlivnit. Vybrali jsme 38 slavných alpských stoupáních, o kterých jsme vás nechali hlasovat na našich sociálních sítích. V konečném výběru jsme to zohlednili a sestavili následující itinerář.
In addition to the climbs themselves, which is hard on its own, we will do research during on human metabolism under such a load. And we will also try to record and photograph the whole event and share these outputs with you.
Absolutely everywhere. You will be able to track us online using GPS tracking. We will publish all information on our social networks. We will publish summaries here on this website. We will include videos, images, online streams and more.
In the autumn of 2020, we completed 2x Everesting on Dlouhé Stráně. We liked it and the idea of getting Crown of the Himalayas in this way born. Utter nonsesne. But it was such good nonsense that there was no way back.
Máme hotovo! 🙂 Zdolali jsme:
m to climb
Energy in KJ
hours of riding
Náš cíl je
- 800 x vyjet řevničák
- 400 x vyjet na Dlouhé Stráně
- Vyjít 1.200.000 schodů
- 30 x projet D1
- 266 x trasa metra C
- 17.340 x oběhnout fotbalové hřiště
- 200 porcí edgara
- 550 μs of operation of Dlouhé Stráně power plant
- Uvařit 856l vody
- 5 Tour de France
- 24,5 dne
- 73,5 pracovní směny

Jeden z nejdojemnějších dní projektu Korona Himálaje je za námi. Po třech měsících jsme se setkali s dětmi z naší sbírky. Až na Dominika, který měl...

V radiožurnálu s Lucií Výbornou
O kopcích, o sněhu a o sbírce. O tom jsme si povídali s Luckou Výbornou ve středečním vysílání. Zatímco my se na každém ze 14 alpských vrcholcích...

Report z poloviny – video
Jakých bylo Prvních 7 Everestingů? Na cestě jsme už přes měsíc, trochu jsme si zavzpomínali a shrnuli, i s obrazem, jaká vlastně ta první sedma...

Je vybráno přes 50.000 Kč! Děkujeme!
Náš "Himálajing" provází DOBROČINNÁ SBÍRKA pro pět dětí. A vy, naši skvělý dárci, se tak stáváte součástí nejen našeho stoupání, ale i boje o...
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You never know what you mind find when hiking in Fiordland but you may run into one of our native friends...
How beautiful does a Kea look ...

You never know what you mind find when hiking in Fiordland but you may run into one of our native friends...
How beautiful does a Kea look in flight?
📷 tectonic_tammy - Luxmore Hut
#LoveFiordland #FiordlandNZ #FiordlandBeyondBelief #FiordlandGreatEights
When I first came to New Zealand I didn’t own hiking boots. I hiked everywhere in shit Nike trainers. I went home, told my dad and he frog marched ...

When I first came to New Zealand I didn’t own hiking boots. I hiked everywhere in shit Nike trainers. I went home, told my dad and he frog marched me to a shop and bought me an early Christmas present. My first ever pair of hiking boots.
It kick started my obsession with hiking. I would strap on my boots and head to the hills as much as possible. Five years on, I sit on a pro hiking team, hike for fun, for work and for an escape.
I’ve got a good list going already for this season…
-Alex Knob
-McKenzie Hut
-Gertrude Saddle
-Nelson Lakes
-Mt Fyfee
-Brewster Hut
-Mueller (of course)
And the Milford track
I don’t know if i will ever be able to put into words how packing a bag, lacing up my boots and heading in to the hills makes me feel. Maybe just take a look at my face, that tells it all.
Where are you heading this season? Tell me here so I can add them to my list👇🏻
This morning I woke up today to being 28 years young among the mountains with the sound of Kea and light rain on the hut roof, ready for the last day ...

This morning I woke up today to being 28 years young among the mountains with the sound of Kea and light rain on the hut roof, ready for the last day on the Kepler Track. After 6 long hours of stunning Bush, track flooding, beautiful detours, amazing company and a million sand flys later we made it back to Te Anau for a cold beer 😆..this photo was from the first day after reaching Luxmore Hut which also happened to be International Mountain day! I feel so unbelievably lucky that I am able to spend days off exploring these beauties and enjoying adventures outdoors so often... Looking forward to another year of adventures 🍃⛺️🥾
#keplertrack #fiordlandnationalpark #fiordland #trampingnz #exploremoreoutdoors #newzealandfinds #mountaintherapy #beautifulnewzealand #liveyouradventure #nzmustdo #southislandnewzealand #shewentwild #wanderlustofnz #idhikethat #whyihike #outdoorwomen #sheadventures #hikelikeagirl #girlswhohike #hikingtrails #lifeonthetrail #choosemountains #gottalovenz #purenewzealand #bestnewzealand #lifehappensoutdoors
New Zealand Great Walk: The 60km Kepler Track
Wow! This track was quite something. Incredible views but gee.. such long days
But ...

New Zealand Great Walk: The 60km Kepler Track
Wow! This track was quite something. Incredible views but gee.. such long days
But would we recommend it? Totally
Here’s what you need to know
✅ About 60km (my watch tracked around 65km)
✅ 4 days and 3 nights, staying at 3 huts along the way
✅ Day 2 was my favourite with all the alpine views
✅ Free to walk the track, but you pay for huts along the way. You need to book these in advance. Bookings open around May ish each year
✅ Huts cost $68 per adult for NZ residents and kids under 18 free
✅ International guests pay $102 per adult per night and kids $51
✅ Some of the later days will see you walking 16-18km so you will need to have some good stamina and fitness for this track
✅ Located in Te Anau, you can drive to the track and do a full loop. No transport required
✅ If you do wish to shorten the trail, you can skip 6km on day 1 by taking a water taxi with fiordlandoutdoors and have them pick you up by shuttle on the last day, skipping the last 9km. A good option to reduce time on your feet
✅ Huts have flushing toilets (🤯) and include gas coolers with gas so you only need to bring pots and utensils
✅ Sleeping arrangements are in big bunk rooms. Mattress is provided, just bring a sleeping bag
❤️ Save this walk, it’s one for your list
⬇️ Do you have any questions about hiking this trail?
New Zealand's Kepler Track: What my kids carried for a 60km hike
Do the kids carry their own gear? Sure do
In essence, they ...

New Zealand's Kepler Track: What my kids carried for a 60km hike
Do the kids carry their own gear? Sure do
In essence, they carried their own stuff and we carried all of the food and cooking supplies
We didn't get to weigh it, but here is what our 7 and 9 year old carried
✅ 1.5L water bladder filled with water (about 1.5kg)
✅ Adult down sleeping bag (just less than 1kg)
✅ Packing cube
✅ Hut clothes: extra t-shirt, shorts, 3 x underwear, 3 x
✅ Hiking clothes: t-shirt, shorts
✅ Polypropylene long sleeve top and leggings
✅ thermkids Waterproof jacket
✅ Warm sweatshirt
✅ Beanie
✅ Cap
✅ northsideaunz Hiking Boots
✅ Muesli bars, snacks for the day
✅ Collapsible bowl
✅ Fork and spoon
✅ Waterproof pack cover
Ash and I carried the cooking pots and Jetboil, as well as all the food for 4 days. I swear, if we didn't have to eat it would have been a lot lighter....
Fire any questions ⬇️
• • • • • •
Kepler Track
kepler track
#greatwalks #グレートウォーク
#keplertrack #ケプラートラック
#野遊び #mountain #mountains #mountaineering
#hiker #hike #longtrail #ロングトレイル
#rototo #hikertrashrototo
#ogawand #ogawandacperience
#axespuin #アヲネロショート
#hyakkeime #やまポトレ #私の山フォト #山フォトコン #yamap55 #ヤマップ #山好き #山好きな人と繋がりたい #山すたぐらむ
✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.
4 days - 60km - 116,000 steps.
The Kepler Track starts and ends from the beautiful small town Te Anau.

4 days - 60km - 116,000 steps.
The Kepler Track starts and ends from the beautiful small town Te Anau.
You experience the best of Fiordland - mountains, native forest, waterfalls and glacier-carved valleys.
Here is a quick take on my time on the track. 🙈
🆔 Hypholoma brunneum, a.k.a. Chocolate Button Mushroom
🌐 Kepler Track (closed to Control Gates towards Dock Bay session), New ...

🆔 Hypholoma brunneum, a.k.a. Chocolate Button Mushroom
🌐 Kepler Track (closed to Control Gates towards Dock Bay session), New Zealand
⏰ 2nd July 2023
Another cracker shot of a brown mushroom species. This time not an LBM as this is one of the most distinguishable brown mushroom of all.
Hypholoma brunneum, along with H.australianum, are my favorite Hypholoma species. Brunneum is brown headed throughout it's life, losing the tufts along the edge of its cap as it ages, and grows on rotten wood, whereas Australianum is red and turns orange as it ages, and they grow from soil.
📷 Olympus OMD EM1 MarkIII
🔭 Zuiko 60mm Macro
⚙️ 1/10 sec, F2.8
📚 19 photos stacked with Helicon Focus Pro
#mushroomofinstagram #mushroomsofnewzealand #fantasticfungi #fungi #fungiofinstagram
#macrofungi #nature
#pilze #kinoko #cendawan #hongos #beoseos #버섯 #funghi #earthday #paddestoel #champiñón #sieni #sveppir #keplertrack #keplertracknz #focusstacking
🆔 Hypholoma australianum
🌐 Kepler Track (Dock Bay), New Zealand
⏰ 30th April 2023
This year is my first year ...

🆔 Hypholoma australianum
🌐 Kepler Track (Dock Bay), New Zealand
⏰ 30th April 2023
This year is my first year encountering this species and I just never get tired of photographing then.
They are in abundance along Kepler Track, back in end April all the way till May.
📷 Olympus OMD EM1 MarkIII
🔭 Zuiko 60mm Macro
⚙️ 1/13 sec, F2.8
📚 22 photos stacked with Helicon Focus Pro
#mushroomofinstagram #mushroomsofnewzealand #fantasticfungi #fungi #fungiofinstagram
#macrofungi #nature
#pilze #kinoko #cendawan #hongos #beoseos #버섯 #funghi #earthday #paddestoel #champiñón #sieni #sveppir #keplertrack #focusstacking
The rumours are true… there are spaces opening up on the Milford Track!
Due to lockdowns, trans-Tasman bubble pause and a flurry of ...

The rumours are true… there are spaces opening up on the Milford Track!
Due to lockdowns, trans-Tasman bubble pause and a flurry of cancellations there are spaces opening on the Milford track this November.
For those looking for a last minute adventure, jump on the DOC website and book your huts. Then come back to us and we can arrange your track transport!
Who’s excited?
📷 craigjcampbell / newzealandguide
Back in late March, leecook_images and I spent 5 days hiking over 40km through the wilderness of Mt Aspiring National Park. Despite barely being able...

Back in late March, leecook_images and I spent 5 days hiking over 40km through the wilderness of Mt Aspiring National Park. Despite barely being able to walk at the end, a couple of days later we somehow decided to punish ourselves again and make the 1,000m climb up Mt Luxmore to spend a couple of days. Very glad we did!
This has to be one of New Zealand's best hikes, the amazing Kepler Track! #keplertrack #newzealand #nzmustdo #hiking #besthikes #nzlife ...

This has to be one of New Zealand's best hikes, the amazing Kepler Track! #keplertrack #newzealand #nzmustdo #hiking #besthikes #nzlife #newzealandguide #newzealandfinds #traveltheworld #instatravel #hikes #backcountry #aotearoa #adventureculture #discoverearth #nzimagery
You never know what you mind find when hiking in Fiordland but you may run into one of our native friends...
How beautiful does a Kea look ...

You never know what you mind find when hiking in Fiordland but you may run into one of our native friends...
How beautiful does a Kea look in flight?
📷 tectonic_tammy - Luxmore Hut
#LoveFiordland #FiordlandNZ #FiordlandBeyondBelief #FiordlandGreatEights
When I first came to New Zealand I didn’t own hiking boots. I hiked everywhere in shit Nike trainers. I went home, told my dad and he frog marched ...

When I first came to New Zealand I didn’t own hiking boots. I hiked everywhere in shit Nike trainers. I went home, told my dad and he frog marched me to a shop and bought me an early Christmas present. My first ever pair of hiking boots.
It kick started my obsession with hiking. I would strap on my boots and head to the hills as much as possible. Five years on, I sit on a pro hiking team, hike for fun, for work and for an escape.
I’ve got a good list going already for this season…
-Alex Knob
-McKenzie Hut
-Gertrude Saddle
-Nelson Lakes
-Mt Fyfee
-Brewster Hut
-Mueller (of course)
And the Milford track
I don’t know if i will ever be able to put into words how packing a bag, lacing up my boots and heading in to the hills makes me feel. Maybe just take a look at my face, that tells it all.
Where are you heading this season? Tell me here so I can add them to my list👇🏻
This morning I woke up today to being 28 years young among the mountains with the sound of Kea and light rain on the hut roof, ready for the last day ...

This morning I woke up today to being 28 years young among the mountains with the sound of Kea and light rain on the hut roof, ready for the last day on the Kepler Track. After 6 long hours of stunning Bush, track flooding, beautiful detours, amazing company and a million sand flys later we made it back to Te Anau for a cold beer 😆..this photo was from the first day after reaching Luxmore Hut which also happened to be International Mountain day! I feel so unbelievably lucky that I am able to spend days off exploring these beauties and enjoying adventures outdoors so often... Looking forward to another year of adventures 🍃⛺️🥾
#keplertrack #fiordlandnationalpark #fiordland #trampingnz #exploremoreoutdoors #newzealandfinds #mountaintherapy #beautifulnewzealand #liveyouradventure #nzmustdo #southislandnewzealand #shewentwild #wanderlustofnz #idhikethat #whyihike #outdoorwomen #sheadventures #hikelikeagirl #girlswhohike #hikingtrails #lifeonthetrail #choosemountains #gottalovenz #purenewzealand #bestnewzealand #lifehappensoutdoors
New Zealand Great Walk: The 60km Kepler Track
Wow! This track was quite something. Incredible views but gee.. such long days
But ...

New Zealand Great Walk: The 60km Kepler Track
Wow! This track was quite something. Incredible views but gee.. such long days
But would we recommend it? Totally
Here’s what you need to know
✅ About 60km (my watch tracked around 65km)
✅ 4 days and 3 nights, staying at 3 huts along the way
✅ Day 2 was my favourite with all the alpine views
✅ Free to walk the track, but you pay for huts along the way. You need to book these in advance. Bookings open around May ish each year
✅ Huts cost $68 per adult for NZ residents and kids under 18 free
✅ International guests pay $102 per adult per night and kids $51
✅ Some of the later days will see you walking 16-18km so you will need to have some good stamina and fitness for this track
✅ Located in Te Anau, you can drive to the track and do a full loop. No transport required
✅ If you do wish to shorten the trail, you can skip 6km on day 1 by taking a water taxi with fiordlandoutdoors and have them pick you up by shuttle on the last day, skipping the last 9km. A good option to reduce time on your feet
✅ Huts have flushing toilets (🤯) and include gas coolers with gas so you only need to bring pots and utensils
✅ Sleeping arrangements are in big bunk rooms. Mattress is provided, just bring a sleeping bag
❤️ Save this walk, it’s one for your list
⬇️ Do you have any questions about hiking this trail?
New Zealand's Kepler Track: What my kids carried for a 60km hike
Do the kids carry their own gear? Sure do
In essence, they ...

New Zealand's Kepler Track: What my kids carried for a 60km hike
Do the kids carry their own gear? Sure do
In essence, they carried their own stuff and we carried all of the food and cooking supplies
We didn't get to weigh it, but here is what our 7 and 9 year old carried
✅ 1.5L water bladder filled with water (about 1.5kg)
✅ Adult down sleeping bag (just less than 1kg)
✅ Packing cube
✅ Hut clothes: extra t-shirt, shorts, 3 x underwear, 3 x
✅ Hiking clothes: t-shirt, shorts
✅ Polypropylene long sleeve top and leggings
✅ thermkids Waterproof jacket
✅ Warm sweatshirt
✅ Beanie
✅ Cap
✅ northsideaunz Hiking Boots
✅ Muesli bars, snacks for the day
✅ Collapsible bowl
✅ Fork and spoon
✅ Waterproof pack cover
Ash and I carried the cooking pots and Jetboil, as well as all the food for 4 days. I swear, if we didn't have to eat it would have been a lot lighter....
Fire any questions ⬇️
• • • • • •
Kepler Track
kepler track
#greatwalks #グレートウォーク
#keplertrack #ケプラートラック
#野遊び #mountain #mountains #mountaineering
#hiker #hike #longtrail #ロングトレイル
#rototo #hikertrashrototo
#ogawand #ogawandacperience
#axespuin #アヲネロショート
#hyakkeime #やまポトレ #私の山フォト #山フォトコン #yamap55 #ヤマップ #山好き #山好きな人と繋がりたい #山すたぐらむ
✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.
4 days - 60km - 116,000 steps.
The Kepler Track starts and ends from the beautiful small town Te Anau.

4 days - 60km - 116,000 steps.
The Kepler Track starts and ends from the beautiful small town Te Anau.
You experience the best of Fiordland - mountains, native forest, waterfalls and glacier-carved valleys.
Here is a quick take on my time on the track. 🙈
🆔 Hypholoma brunneum, a.k.a. Chocolate Button Mushroom
🌐 Kepler Track (closed to Control Gates towards Dock Bay session), New ...

🆔 Hypholoma brunneum, a.k.a. Chocolate Button Mushroom
🌐 Kepler Track (closed to Control Gates towards Dock Bay session), New Zealand
⏰ 2nd July 2023
Another cracker shot of a brown mushroom species. This time not an LBM as this is one of the most distinguishable brown mushroom of all.
Hypholoma brunneum, along with H.australianum, are my favorite Hypholoma species. Brunneum is brown headed throughout it's life, losing the tufts along the edge of its cap as it ages, and grows on rotten wood, whereas Australianum is red and turns orange as it ages, and they grow from soil.
📷 Olympus OMD EM1 MarkIII
🔭 Zuiko 60mm Macro
⚙️ 1/10 sec, F2.8
📚 19 photos stacked with Helicon Focus Pro
#mushroomofinstagram #mushroomsofnewzealand #fantasticfungi #fungi #fungiofinstagram
#macrofungi #nature
#pilze #kinoko #cendawan #hongos #beoseos #버섯 #funghi #earthday #paddestoel #champiñón #sieni #sveppir #keplertrack #keplertracknz #focusstacking
🆔 Hypholoma australianum
🌐 Kepler Track (Dock Bay), New Zealand
⏰ 30th April 2023
This year is my first year ...

🆔 Hypholoma australianum
🌐 Kepler Track (Dock Bay), New Zealand
⏰ 30th April 2023
This year is my first year encountering this species and I just never get tired of photographing then.
They are in abundance along Kepler Track, back in end April all the way till May.
📷 Olympus OMD EM1 MarkIII
🔭 Zuiko 60mm Macro
⚙️ 1/13 sec, F2.8
📚 22 photos stacked with Helicon Focus Pro
#mushroomofinstagram #mushroomsofnewzealand #fantasticfungi #fungi #fungiofinstagram
#macrofungi #nature
#pilze #kinoko #cendawan #hongos #beoseos #버섯 #funghi #earthday #paddestoel #champiñón #sieni #sveppir #keplertrack #focusstacking
The rumours are true… there are spaces opening up on the Milford Track!
Due to lockdowns, trans-Tasman bubble pause and a flurry of ...

The rumours are true… there are spaces opening up on the Milford Track!
Due to lockdowns, trans-Tasman bubble pause and a flurry of cancellations there are spaces opening on the Milford track this November.
For those looking for a last minute adventure, jump on the DOC website and book your huts. Then come back to us and we can arrange your track transport!
Who’s excited?
📷 craigjcampbell / newzealandguide
Back in late March, leecook_images and I spent 5 days hiking over 40km through the wilderness of Mt Aspiring National Park. Despite barely being able...

Back in late March, leecook_images and I spent 5 days hiking over 40km through the wilderness of Mt Aspiring National Park. Despite barely being able to walk at the end, a couple of days later we somehow decided to punish ourselves again and make the 1,000m climb up Mt Luxmore to spend a couple of days. Very glad we did!
This has to be one of New Zealand's best hikes, the amazing Kepler Track! #keplertrack #newzealand #nzmustdo #hiking #besthikes #nzlife ...

This has to be one of New Zealand's best hikes, the amazing Kepler Track! #keplertrack #newzealand #nzmustdo #hiking #besthikes #nzlife #newzealandguide #newzealandfinds #traveltheworld #instatravel #hikes #backcountry #aotearoa #adventureculture #discoverearth #nzimagery
You never know what you mind find when hiking in Fiordland but you may run into one of our native friends...
How beautiful does a Kea look ...

You never know what you mind find when hiking in Fiordland but you may run into one of our native friends...
How beautiful does a Kea look in flight?
📷 tectonic_tammy - Luxmore Hut
#LoveFiordland #FiordlandNZ #FiordlandBeyondBelief #FiordlandGreatEights
When I first came to New Zealand I didn’t own hiking boots. I hiked everywhere in shit Nike trainers. I went home, told my dad and he frog marched ...

When I first came to New Zealand I didn’t own hiking boots. I hiked everywhere in shit Nike trainers. I went home, told my dad and he frog marched me to a shop and bought me an early Christmas present. My first ever pair of hiking boots.
It kick started my obsession with hiking. I would strap on my boots and head to the hills as much as possible. Five years on, I sit on a pro hiking team, hike for fun, for work and for an escape.
I’ve got a good list going already for this season…
-Alex Knob
-McKenzie Hut
-Gertrude Saddle
-Nelson Lakes
-Mt Fyfee
-Brewster Hut
-Mueller (of course)
And the Milford track
I don’t know if i will ever be able to put into words how packing a bag, lacing up my boots and heading in to the hills makes me feel. Maybe just take a look at my face, that tells it all.
Where are you heading this season? Tell me here so I can add them to my list👇🏻
This morning I woke up today to being 28 years young among the mountains with the sound of Kea and light rain on the hut roof, ready for the last day ...

This morning I woke up today to being 28 years young among the mountains with the sound of Kea and light rain on the hut roof, ready for the last day on the Kepler Track. After 6 long hours of stunning Bush, track flooding, beautiful detours, amazing company and a million sand flys later we made it back to Te Anau for a cold beer 😆..this photo was from the first day after reaching Luxmore Hut which also happened to be International Mountain day! I feel so unbelievably lucky that I am able to spend days off exploring these beauties and enjoying adventures outdoors so often... Looking forward to another year of adventures 🍃⛺️🥾
#keplertrack #fiordlandnationalpark #fiordland #trampingnz #exploremoreoutdoors #newzealandfinds #mountaintherapy #beautifulnewzealand #liveyouradventure #nzmustdo #southislandnewzealand #shewentwild #wanderlustofnz #idhikethat #whyihike #outdoorwomen #sheadventures #hikelikeagirl #girlswhohike #hikingtrails #lifeonthetrail #choosemountains #gottalovenz #purenewzealand #bestnewzealand #lifehappensoutdoors
New Zealand Great Walk: The 60km Kepler Track
Wow! This track was quite something. Incredible views but gee.. such long days
But ...

New Zealand Great Walk: The 60km Kepler Track
Wow! This track was quite something. Incredible views but gee.. such long days
But would we recommend it? Totally
Here’s what you need to know
✅ About 60km (my watch tracked around 65km)
✅ 4 days and 3 nights, staying at 3 huts along the way
✅ Day 2 was my favourite with all the alpine views
✅ Free to walk the track, but you pay for huts along the way. You need to book these in advance. Bookings open around May ish each year
✅ Huts cost $68 per adult for NZ residents and kids under 18 free
✅ International guests pay $102 per adult per night and kids $51
✅ Some of the later days will see you walking 16-18km so you will need to have some good stamina and fitness for this track
✅ Located in Te Anau, you can drive to the track and do a full loop. No transport required
✅ If you do wish to shorten the trail, you can skip 6km on day 1 by taking a water taxi with fiordlandoutdoors and have them pick you up by shuttle on the last day, skipping the last 9km. A good option to reduce time on your feet
✅ Huts have flushing toilets (🤯) and include gas coolers with gas so you only need to bring pots and utensils
✅ Sleeping arrangements are in big bunk rooms. Mattress is provided, just bring a sleeping bag
❤️ Save this walk, it’s one for your list
⬇️ Do you have any questions about hiking this trail?
New Zealand's Kepler Track: What my kids carried for a 60km hike
Do the kids carry their own gear? Sure do
In essence, they ...

New Zealand's Kepler Track: What my kids carried for a 60km hike
Do the kids carry their own gear? Sure do
In essence, they carried their own stuff and we carried all of the food and cooking supplies
We didn't get to weigh it, but here is what our 7 and 9 year old carried
✅ 1.5L water bladder filled with water (about 1.5kg)
✅ Adult down sleeping bag (just less than 1kg)
✅ Packing cube
✅ Hut clothes: extra t-shirt, shorts, 3 x underwear, 3 x
✅ Hiking clothes: t-shirt, shorts
✅ Polypropylene long sleeve top and leggings
✅ thermkids Waterproof jacket
✅ Warm sweatshirt
✅ Beanie
✅ Cap
✅ northsideaunz Hiking Boots
✅ Muesli bars, snacks for the day
✅ Collapsible bowl
✅ Fork and spoon
✅ Waterproof pack cover
Ash and I carried the cooking pots and Jetboil, as well as all the food for 4 days. I swear, if we didn't have to eat it would have been a lot lighter....
Fire any questions ⬇️
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Kepler Track
kepler track
#greatwalks #グレートウォーク
#keplertrack #ケプラートラック
#野遊び #mountain #mountains #mountaineering
#hiker #hike #longtrail #ロングトレイル
#rototo #hikertrashrototo
#ogawand #ogawandacperience
#axespuin #アヲネロショート
#hyakkeime #やまポトレ #私の山フォト #山フォトコン #yamap55 #ヤマップ #山好き #山好きな人と繋がりたい #山すたぐらむ
✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.
4 days - 60km - 116,000 steps.
The Kepler Track starts and ends from the beautiful small town Te Anau.

4 days - 60km - 116,000 steps.
The Kepler Track starts and ends from the beautiful small town Te Anau.
You experience the best of Fiordland - mountains, native forest, waterfalls and glacier-carved valleys.
Here is a quick take on my time on the track. 🙈
🆔 Hypholoma brunneum, a.k.a. Chocolate Button Mushroom
🌐 Kepler Track (closed to Control Gates towards Dock Bay session), New ...

🆔 Hypholoma brunneum, a.k.a. Chocolate Button Mushroom
🌐 Kepler Track (closed to Control Gates towards Dock Bay session), New Zealand
⏰ 2nd July 2023
Another cracker shot of a brown mushroom species. This time not an LBM as this is one of the most distinguishable brown mushroom of all.
Hypholoma brunneum, along with H.australianum, are my favorite Hypholoma species. Brunneum is brown headed throughout it's life, losing the tufts along the edge of its cap as it ages, and grows on rotten wood, whereas Australianum is red and turns orange as it ages, and they grow from soil.
📷 Olympus OMD EM1 MarkIII
🔭 Zuiko 60mm Macro
⚙️ 1/10 sec, F2.8
📚 19 photos stacked with Helicon Focus Pro
#mushroomofinstagram #mushroomsofnewzealand #fantasticfungi #fungi #fungiofinstagram
#macrofungi #nature
#pilze #kinoko #cendawan #hongos #beoseos #버섯 #funghi #earthday #paddestoel #champiñón #sieni #sveppir #keplertrack #keplertracknz #focusstacking
🆔 Hypholoma australianum
🌐 Kepler Track (Dock Bay), New Zealand
⏰ 30th April 2023
This year is my first year ...

🆔 Hypholoma australianum
🌐 Kepler Track (Dock Bay), New Zealand
⏰ 30th April 2023
This year is my first year encountering this species and I just never get tired of photographing then.
They are in abundance along Kepler Track, back in end April all the way till May.
📷 Olympus OMD EM1 MarkIII
🔭 Zuiko 60mm Macro
⚙️ 1/13 sec, F2.8
📚 22 photos stacked with Helicon Focus Pro
#mushroomofinstagram #mushroomsofnewzealand #fantasticfungi #fungi #fungiofinstagram
#macrofungi #nature
#pilze #kinoko #cendawan #hongos #beoseos #버섯 #funghi #earthday #paddestoel #champiñón #sieni #sveppir #keplertrack #focusstacking
The rumours are true… there are spaces opening up on the Milford Track!
Due to lockdowns, trans-Tasman bubble pause and a flurry of ...

The rumours are true… there are spaces opening up on the Milford Track!
Due to lockdowns, trans-Tasman bubble pause and a flurry of cancellations there are spaces opening on the Milford track this November.
For those looking for a last minute adventure, jump on the DOC website and book your huts. Then come back to us and we can arrange your track transport!
Who’s excited?
📷 craigjcampbell / newzealandguide
Back in late March, leecook_images and I spent 5 days hiking over 40km through the wilderness of Mt Aspiring National Park. Despite barely being able...

Back in late March, leecook_images and I spent 5 days hiking over 40km through the wilderness of Mt Aspiring National Park. Despite barely being able to walk at the end, a couple of days later we somehow decided to punish ourselves again and make the 1,000m climb up Mt Luxmore to spend a couple of days. Very glad we did!
This has to be one of New Zealand's best hikes, the amazing Kepler Track! #keplertrack #newzealand #nzmustdo #hiking #besthikes #nzlife ...

This has to be one of New Zealand's best hikes, the amazing Kepler Track! #keplertrack #newzealand #nzmustdo #hiking #besthikes #nzlife #newzealandguide #newzealandfinds #traveltheworld #instatravel #hikes #backcountry #aotearoa #adventureculture #discoverearth #nzimagery
Markéta Marvanováa.k.a. Peggy, is a Czech endurance "ultra" biker, the youngest finisher of the American The Great Divide Tour 2015 (4,418 km) and also its winner in 2017. She combines her performances with organizing charitable fundraising campaigns.
Pavel Paloncý is "The Czech machine".First of all, he is an adventurer, mountain lover,well-known ultrarunner and adventure racer. He is three-time Spine Race champion (2014, 2015, 2018) and has raced in all possible environments. And always knows where his towel is.